According to Jedba Azaz, relatives and friends instructed him that "...California is the place you ought to be. So we loaded up the camel and we moved to Beverly. Hills, that is."
The Azaz family were launching rockets toward Israel when an Israeli artllery shell landed in their yard. "After the explosion from the Zionist bomb, we saw a giant black fountain come up from the Earth," said an exuberant Jedba Azaz. "Priase Allah!"
Neighbors told Azaz to call a company called Halliburton, which promptly sent a representative to their war-ravaged village. "This nice American woman Mrs. Hathaway gave us one million U.S. dollars and visas to the United States," said Azaz. "Praise Allah."
The Azaz family is settling in nicely in Beverly Hills and enjoying the Los Angeles atmosphere. "The best thing for us now is that we do not have to live near the Jews," boasted Hizna Azaz, Jedba's wife.
The family is also apparently in discussions about a reality TV series, according to LA talent agency Dershowitz, Mendlebaum and Katz.